Silent Jim

Gunslinger, Omnidimensional Enigma, and Brotherhood Agent (Deceased)

Silent Jim

The trenchcoat. The fedora. The ever-present shades. Silent Jim was more archetype than man. No one’s really sure how he joined the Brotherhood. St. Peter has a vague recollection of Jim coming highly recommended, but gun to his head, he couldn’t tell you by whom. Officially, the Brotherhood considered Silent Jim a Chronomancer—a mystical manipulator of the flow of time. It fits…kinda…but there’s more to Jim than could fit in any one category.

Most agents didn’t like working with Jim, citing “an eerie, otherworldly presence” and “the ever present sense of impending doom.” But Gabriel was different. He and Jim struck up an instant camaraderie, like they’d known each other for years. Fighting side by side in Alpha One, they were an unstoppable team.

And then something bad happened.

Silent Jim was counted among the dead following the Vancouver Disaster. At their memorial service, his name, and those of the others who fell that day, were etched into the Xi Wall. It’s an honor reserved for only the greatest heroes who have died in service to the Brotherhood.

He’s earned it.

The Demon Hunters are back in a new weekly comic from Dead Gentlemen Productions! We’re taking things back to before the beginning with a new format, new stories, and a few surprises along the way. This is Demon Hunters the way it was always meant to be seen—without the limitations of a college film budget. Join the hunt on April 1st at!