[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXUgx3S2LCA]

Written by Matt Vancil
Directed by Don Early

All Chris wants is to be an accountant. This changes forever when a demon murders his girlfriend and destroys half of his sleepy college campus. Fleeing with Gabriel, the sole surviving member of a celestial team of demon hunters, Chris finds himself immersed in a world of supernatural terrors – a world populated by time-traveling gunslingers, coniferous bounty hunters, and the very demon who killed his friends. Can Chris learn to fight back and survive the horrors of Dead Camper Lake, or will he literally find himself in hell?

In 1999, the Dead Gentlemen held a Halloween screening of Demon Hunters. Hanging out after the movie, Matt Vancil looked at my half-assed, last-minute, mad scientist costume and said, “I’m getting an idea for a character in the sequel.” Awesome! Not only is there going to be a sequel, but I’ve contributed to it in some small way. I’m a happy fan.

A couple months later, I get an email from Matt. Here’s your script. You’re playing Herr Doktor. The table read’s on Saturday.

What!? Guys, I’m not an actor. I am, in fact, extremely introverted and terrified of public speaking. But I figure, what the hell. It’s for Demon Hunters. I’ll give it a shot.

And that’s how I ended up spending Spring Break tromping through waist-high snow and faking my way through a German accent. One of the best decisions I ever made. Taking the part, that is. Not the accent. The accent was terrible.

The Demon Hunters are back in a new weekly comic from Dead Gentlemen Productions! We’re taking things back to before the beginning with a new format, new stories, and a few surprises along the way. This is Demon Hunters the way it was always meant to be seen—without the limitations of a college film budget. Join the hunt on April 1st at Demon-Hunters.com!